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Thursday, March 5, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

heard that A-level results out tomorrow.

G L!!!
blogged @ 10:36 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

tuesday 17/02/09 sucks totally. i'll mark it down in my notepad. this is the day where i kinda screwed up my english oral.super screwed. mrs champion was like : "some information that you've discuss is somehow irrelavant,but overall was quite okae.". super...super...sad luh.at the end of the conversation , she was giving me some suggestions to improve luh. did badly for my biology test and gonna fail plane geometry. ): SUPER SAD!
and yay! tml's the finals! time to clap hands again! woots. i hoped i dont skip maths and biology. I HOPE. dont wanna do badly again ):
super emo already. sobs.
blogged @ 8:46 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

I LOST MY DAMN CALCULATOR! I only realised it after reaching naval base. didnt even know before. idiotic. to the what-so-ever guy who stole my calculator , i hope you choke on a freaking da pau and die with regrets! and edmund kwang is so re-tarddd! he got this donkey aka eeyore. he's like "toying" with it. hahaha. dam funny. won anderson 3:0! clapping hands is so "InTeReStInGG". omg the chinese qualifying test results is out. to those who didnt managed to hit the expectation " dont be sad :D work harder for A1 in chinese. to those who qualify, lb go and die. and chinese lesson with 4g is so funni! michael soh and youliang. bloody hell.
i want my calculator back. all the years that i've used him. and all the designs i've done on it. it's all gone. disappeared. vanish. ahhh!
blogged @ 12:31 AM

Thursday, February 12, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

so boring!!!
Yea tml got semi-finals! can ESCAPE LENG'S LESSON WOO!her lesson is so dam boring luh. that's all i can comment about it. even liyanhong's lesson is more interesting than hers. cause i can laugh with terry o.o
omg. i'm still left with some chemistry question. bloody hell. i confused myself with the endothermic and exothermic reaction tingy. tomorow go confirm with miss.aida :D
geography gep was so fun btw. what we've done is like. first 40min : do the worksheet. edmund goy went to phone bentham's parent cause he pon luh! hahaha. then left like 5minutes. he went through the answers with us and TA-DA! that's the end of geography lesson. but the question is quite tough luh.
nvm i shall sleep alr. ahha tml will be havng some "FRIENDSHIP" DAY! woo. i'll be giving zheng an subway cookes. either one or 2 luh. so sad. the store ran out of double chocolate chips. i've only bought 3chocolate chips , 1 chocolate with MnM and 2 white chip with nuts. :D
blogged @ 10:20 PM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

omg geo challenge is so damn fun! super addicted to it. played like over 20times today. so i've gotten back emaths test geography test social studies. damn pathetic. NEEDS MORE IMPROVEMENT!! argh. finally beaten juehong in geo challenge. so frustrating! lose to him by few hundred points at first luh. shall not waste any more time. time to geo challenge again!
blogged @ 10:23 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

life's so fulfiling (:
i've done like 3test this week. emaths test , geography test and social studies test.
it's relatively alright. maybe for the e-maths. damn it. not enough time to finish. spend a whole lot of time on that.....arc length and sector question. like 13minutes left to finish the damn quartile question. geography was alright. just finish in time. maybe i need fasten up my writing pace. social studies was..average. cause it was an open book :D
skipp-ed training on saturday and sunday. had maths tuition in the afternoon , which makes me unable to attend the training. need to study for physics test , not abling to attend training on sunday :D. so for today. things that i've done : 1)physics revision...... 2)physics practice.. 3)finding the god damn newspaper report for tomorrow. CAT-SAVER. so touching story. 4)done the standard deviation worksheet 5)omg..bio? dont even understand about the..the...the...things that menon teach.DUE TO some stupid competition. went there and clapped hands. so ''overwhelming''. sweet. 6)yay made new specs. didnt increase much luh.like added 50 on each side, which is acceptable. but i screw up during the checking process. wasted so much time. i cant differentiate whether green or red is brighter luh. make the optician sort of confusing hahaaa. and the colour sucks. so limited. :D and if leng's not going to accept my cat-saving article , i'll just change it to dog-saver. i wasted like 30minutes flipping through straits time and newpaper finding some "interesting" article.
blogged @ 10:53 PM

Thursday, January 22, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

yay it's 11.11pm now. i've left like 6hours and 20minutes of sleeping time. school's totally boring. and test. just sat for amaths test today. i find it easy :D .e-geog / social studies / e-maths testsss coming up. cant relax for the CNY period. omg omg omg omg. yay! no need to wear uniform tomorrow. and i shall sleep now. cos i'm too exhausted.


and you watch out. make me follow you all the way to grandlink. i thought you gonna eat. argh. waste my 1hour. LPS vs TWW! ARGH!!
blogged @ 11:10 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

oh my god. why is every single day of secondary 4 life's so stressful ? i feel like a piece of thin glass being force by a immeasurable pressure and it's like showing some lines of cracking.GRRR! RAWRRRR. every single assigment is so "strenuous". although it's to prepare for the olvls , i cant stand the pressure.
oh ya after the year head meeting period. stay backed to help with decorations of classroom. see such a good commitee to the class (: total duration helped : 1hour. total duration playing : 2hour. total time wasted 3hours. could have studied biology test luh. darn it. and it's so funny. ohmygod wakakakaka. on the noticeboard , whatever that is. there's 2 pictures of Miss Shirley Heng. almost side-by-side with one another. i was laughing like a mad-guy with louis. toot-ed.
woots no time to lose. gotta study for biology test and physics test. 17/25 for geography test. one word to describe : sucky. super duper very extremely damn to the extreme sucky. dam disappointed withmyself. haiz.
blogged @ 9:09 PM

Monday, January 19, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

oh my bloody god. this morning terry told me something about prophecies. like the world will end in 21 december 2012. due to natural disaster. now of days there's like tsunami/hurricane/ volcano eruption/earthquake. and thailand's cold -4degree and chicago -20degree[this yellow part no link]. JUST seems very freaky OKAY. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. dont know what's gotten over me. it seems so damn bloody true. so i went to find something about Q33 NY changing to wingdings font. ew. true enough. it's a aeroplane crashing to twin tower and there's a death sign. also, there seems like a muslim symbol. everything seems pretty obvious enough already right? feeling kinda creep-ed out. thanks alot terrypoon.
1) New York City has 11 letters
2) Afghanistan has 11 letters.
3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroythe Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters.
4) George W Bush has 11 letters.
5) New York is the 11th state.
6) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11.
7) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11
8) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers. 6+5=11
9) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9+1+1=11
10) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911. 9+1+1=11.
11) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254. 2+5+4=11.
12) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year. Again 2+5+4=11.
13) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3+1+1+2+4 =11.
14) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers incident.
Now this is where things get totally eerie:The most recognised symbol for the US, after the Stars & Stripes, is the Eagle. The following verse is taken from the Quran, the Islamic holy book:''For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allahand lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace." That verse is number 9.11 of the Quran.
the italic word is taken from some baba website.
enough of this nehneh-lala tingy already. 2periods of social studies today. quite interesting i think. o.o talking mainly about iraq and kuwait. oil production and those blah blah blah. oh ya. me hermann and kimsoo got selected for something boring SURVEYS. pure waste of time. i'd rather attend assembly than spending 60+mins on those useless MOE SURVEYS. yucks. question are like repeating over and over again. just that there's slight twist in the phrasing. math is total B-O-R-E-D. zomg. what the hell is those quartile and percentile man. and the graphs drawn in the grid square(given) is so badly printed. bahh. will refer to textbook later on. went to library with louis , sean and david. sean and david was like bingo-ing can. omggggg.then we saw miss foo. she told us that some did badly. dead. she said she could remember me. either done well or badly. well..i guess that i shld have done badly. darn it.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. omg. i cant stop thinking about the 911 incident. *brainwash brainwash*
blogged @ 4:55 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009'♥
i love spongebob and patrick! ♥

decided to post after such period of time.
very busy at the moment.

having geography test and social study test tomorrow. ohmygod SBQ for social study. seriously suck at that. for geography,average i guess so. currently having tons of homework. 2 chemistry(spa)reports to be due tomorrow , maths homework , tests to study. well , this's just sec 4 life i guess. and the nightmare has just began just the. GOSH!

did terribly bad for the olvl chinese. super super dissappointed. didnt put enough effort i guess so. take things too lightly i suppose. ):

on the other hand. chemistry(spa) period was kinda funny. poonchernyung :D let me see. he dropped his test tube , cant filtrate the solutuion properly , doesnt know what to do , added wrong solutions to testubes , didnt follow teacher's instruction. juehong's the funniest guessed. we were given one bottle of unknown solution G and only 2cm³ to be used. he ended up using the whole bottle , which was like......maybe approximately 30cm³? mrs khoo was like : "???wait. why did you use so much of solution G? only stated that 2cm³ to be used."
he was like : "shit." ohmygod so damn funny.
dont have much time left. so i shall stop here (:
blogged @ 6:56 PM


nanyang primary school
craving for food :D
sidney sheldon fan!
add me at jethro_1993@hotmail.com


good results
improving in sports?
promote to sec4:D
goin jc :D
new hp wanted.
new computer :D
new bag
bobdog pencilbox
zai zai for everyting la :D

chitty chatty♥




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